Use the newsprint choreographs to spur conversation, physical movement, guided imaginary, or new activities.
“Bodies are connected through intensities of composition that in turn produce new bodies” (Manning, 2007: xvi) Dancers and choreographers have long used notation systems as a way to document work for preservation and to be reenacted by future dancers (see Ann Hutchinson Guest). The attached choreographs take inspiration from a rich history of artists (John Cage, Yoko Ono, Channa Horwitz) who reinterpret notation and compositional systems to allow for varied interpretations. Rather than creating a rigid system for understanding bodies, the attached choreographs invite infinite responses. There is no ‘wrong’ way to interpret or play a choreograph. In some instances, the choreographs are purposefully abstract, removing the ‘mask’ of age (Bond, J., Coleman, P. and Peace, S., 1993) to allow for interpretation by a wide range of bodies in motion.
Bond, J., Coleman, P. and Peace, S., (1993), Ageing in Society: An Introduction to Social Gerontology. New York: SAGE Publications.
Hutchinson Guest, A., (1989), Choreo-graphics: a comparison of dance notation systems from the fifteenth century to the present, New York: Routledge.
Manning, E., (2007), Politics of Touch: Sense, Movement, Sovereignty, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.